Support the Woodfibre LNG Project

Support the Woodfibre LNG Project

Woodfibre LNG Project

On April 30, Squamish District Council voted down Woodfibre's proposed floatel for fly-in workers for its approved Woodfibre LNG project. As part of Woodfibre's commitment to safety and inclusion, the proponent retrofitted an old cruise ship to house temporary workers to help construct the already approved Woodfibre LNG project. This is where IRN is standing behind Indigenous leadership, workers, and businesses who support the Woodfibre LNG project and floatel. 

Here are some quick facts on the proposed Woodfibre LNG floatel:

  1. The Squamish Nation Environmental Assessment Agreement and Certificate, granted on October 14, 2015, identified 13 legally binding conditions that Woodfibre LNG is required to meet.
  2. Cash and contract benefits totalling $1.1 billion to Squamish Nation and Indigenous workers.
  3. Squamish Nation and member-owned businesses could be awarded up to about $872 million in contracts.

Thank you!